The R.E.A.L.
Live your real Life
Based on my decade of experience with clients, I know firsthand how boring and restrictive weight loss programs are and how bad they can make you feel. In my coaching practice, I will create the opposite for you. I ensure your program is full of realistic and sustainable recommendations that will get you feeling better right away.
Regardless of which coaching package you choose you will always experience my R.E.A.L. Health Process to sustainable results.
What is the r.e.a.l. health PRocess?
You have been told by many other coaches, quizzes, programs or WebMD searches what is “wrong” with you. I am here to tell you they were missing the whole picture. It is time to re-think what you have been told in the past and find a fresh starting point.
Much of this will be uncovered during our initial call where I help you understand how the dieting industry has tricked you into thinking your metabolism is broken and you can’t lose weight. They are wrong.
I evaluate your blood chemistry relative to your assessments and plot out your REAL roadmap to more energy and motivation to reach your specific lifestyle goals. (if you do not have bloodwork yet you will get initial recommendations based on your assessments)
Evaluation is an ongoing process during our time coaching together. You will also learn to evaluate your progress along the way, and together we will continue to ensure your program sets you up for success.
Using targeted monitoring strategies, we will consistently determine how your body is adapting to the program and decide if new adjustments need to be made. Real life happens, and we need to be able to adjust on the fly while maintaining forward progress. I am here to help you do that.
At the end of six months, some women will have the results they wanted while others will uncover more areas to work on and continue working with me. Regardless of your choice, you are encouraged to live your REAL life and not put anything on hold to “fix yourself.” Will sacrifices be made? Of course! But you will know they are the right sacrifices for you and your goals. Not random advice to the masses. Once your journey to feeling your best is complete, you are ready to conquer REAL life because your program was REAL and taught you sustainable tools and habits to keep your results for life.