Posts tagged nutrition
Intermittent Fasting: What's the big deal?

As human beings we evolved experiencing extended periods of little to no food. We had a continuous cycle: we hunted, killed, ate, and hunted again with an occasional gathering of available fruits, nuts, seeds or vegetables along the way. This was all dependent upon the season and what was naturally occurring at that time. (obviously this all changed during the advent of fire and farming, but that is another topic) Take humans out of the equation and look at wild animals, how do they eat? Are they getting food every 4 hours…

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6 Steps to Jumpstart your Health!

Do you have nutrition goals but are unsure where to start? Are you tired of starting a “diet” only to fall off 5 days after you start? You are not alone. The world of nutrition is too hard to navigate alone, we all need a coach or source of knowledge to help us on our journey. I want to give you six simple steps to jumpstart your healthy nutrition habits.

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